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Software Spotlight – EMS1 & FireRescue1 Academy

Train Anytime, Anywhere.

EMS1 and FireRescue1 Academy provide the resources you need to stay on top of continuing education requirements. You’ll find more than 900 full-length training courses on topics that span from airway management to human resources to hydrant management. 

    • Top Notch CurriculumEMS courses are CAPCE certified and fire classes are aligned to NFPA standards. You’ll learn what’s new and what’s trending from industry experts. 
    • Easily Assign and Track CoursesManage your agency’s training requirements with ease. You can assign classes to individuals, shifts, stations and more. Plus, built-in dashboards give you all you need to ensure courses are completed.  
    • Training at Your FingertipsNo more worrying about where and when to set up your training schedule. EMS1 and FireRescue1 Academy’s digital access ensures you can train when and wherever is convenient for you.  

ESO Infographic of FIRE and EMS Academy

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