
More Power with Integrated ePCR & Fire Software

Posted on July 2, 2019
Tags: EMS, Fire

If you’ve ever found yourself painfully re-entering data from a call from one software tool to another, you’ve probably felt the frustration of those duplicated efforts. With numerous other tasks to complete around the firehouse and plenty of additional paperwork to submit, it seems there must be a better solution than manually transferring information between reporting tools.

The good news is that many of today’s fire reporting tools are working to make it easier to automatically port over information from your on-scene reporting tools to your larger-scale incident data software. Known as all-inone solutions or a complete fire records management system, new features offer an easier handshake between your software tools, not only lightening the load of paperwork but increasing accuracy and timeliness in your station’s data. 

In fact, some tools can now send up to 90% of your ePCR information directly over to your station’s overall software environment in just minutes.

Since crew members can now enter unique incident information just once and have it automatically shared to the fire agency’s larger data reporting environment, you’ll be increasing the accuracy of your reports by cutting out the errors that often result from manually re-entering information. Additionally, all-in-one solutions offer other practical benefits, including:

Valuable Time Savings

Probably the most immediate benefit you’ll see from an all-in-one solution in your department is time savings. With countless other tasks to be completed around the station, including crew training and equipment maintenance (and even much needed rest and recovery), completing records more quickly is invaluable.

Additionally, with numerous state and municipal reporting requirements, grant deadlines, and other compliance needs, having quick and easy access to the most current data can be a real asset to your agency.

Improved Employee Productivity and Job Satisfaction

While no one joined the fire department to spend their time in front of a computer completing paperwork, accurate data is imperative to improve operations and ensure team safety and success. Paperwork and reporting is just a necessary part of the job.

However, you can reduce the impact it makes on your team by making it more efficient and less redundant. Fewer hours spent completing reports – or duplicating work already completed once – can go a long way in improving and maintaining crew morale.

Increased Transparency Into Process and Data

Whether you have a quality improvement project you’re wanting to tackle or a grant submission deadline approaching, insight into your agency’s operational data over time is incredibly valuable. Incident data can not only help you identify your areas for improvement or successes, but easily share them when needed, with the public, the media, or members of your crew.

It’s important that you can easily pull the data you want to view, and cross-reference it with other data points. All-in-one solutions can make it easy to gather the specific information you need in the timeframe you want, without spending hours crunching data with a calculator or a manual spreadsheet.

By utilizing all-in-one solutions in your fire agency, you can reduce the most painful parts of paperwork for your crew and yourself, improving your reporting accuracy and making it easier than ever to pull data when you need it most. It’s a win-win situation for your crew and your community, allowing everyone to improve service and safety in very practical ways.

To learn more about ESO’s next generation of Fire RMS that seamlessly and effortlessly integrates into our ePCR software, Electronic Health Record (EHR), click here.