
Improving Hospital Workflows through Health Data Exchange

Posted on April 6, 2018

Since the HITECH Act of 2009, hospital administrators have been challenged to incorporate impactful analytics into their hospital systems to drive population health outcomes, improve operational efficiencies and prevent unnecessary readmissions. However, finding a system which integrates all of those insights and successfully operates within a hospital workflow can be its own unique challenge.

One of the prime places to begin integrating analytics to achieve those goals is through pre-hospital data. Data collected through EMS goes beyond emergency care, it creates a foundation of patient records which travel from the ED through discharge. Hospital administrators can have visibility into everything from pre-treatment diagnosis to EMS volume from a singular workflow.

Hospital administrators need to have a bird’s eye view of how all of their departments perform and understand places where they can grow and advance areas within their organization. Pre-hospital data can be an impactful resource in recognizing those opportunity areas.

In a new white paper, ESO highlights the role that accurate and timely EMS data has on both the continuity of care and changing hospital systems for the better. Key learnings from the white paper reveal:

  • The value of pre-hospital data during medical audits and reviews
  • Opportunities for improving QA/QI processes
  • Key benefits for EMS Coordinators and EMS agencies utilizing two-way data sharing
  • How establishing performance metrics from EMS data can improve financial stability


Read A Tale of Three Administrators for more on how two-way data sharing between EMS and hospitals can improve results.