Overview Image

Actionable analytics for improved operations, right at your fingertips.

ESO Insights gives you the power to track key performance indicators, identify trends, and gain valuable knowledge about your operations. Whether you’re looking to improve response times, reduce costs, or optimize resource allocation, ESO Insights helps give you the tools needed to succeed.


Comprehensive Data Analytics

Make accurate data-driven decisions by determining the data you need, when and how you want it.


Streamlined Operations

Streamline workflows and improve operational efficiency for you with an easy-to-use pre-built library of dashboard-style reports.


Improved Patient Outcomes

Provide your first responders and teams with timely, accurate, and actionable data.

Data Exporter

Meet ESO Data Exporter

While ESO Insights provides a unified reporting experience allowing you to explore, analyze, and build custom dashboards, sometimes all you need is your unfiltered data.

Learn more about this additional tool that is available to enhance your ESO Insights data experience.

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Snowflake Reader Account for maximum data downloads

The next level of raw data that you can pair with your own BI tool, powered by Snowflake. Access, analyze, and export data at scale. Quickly and easily create customized reports that lead to more impactful decision-making and connect to your organization’s preferred 3rd party reporting tools.

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Ready to see your data in action? To find out how to get started, add your information below and we’ll be in touch.