
Top 10 Reasons to Attend ESO Wave 2023

Posted on October 20, 2022

Building on more than a decade of annual conferences, Wave 2023 is shaping up to be one of our most exciting events to date. Hosted in the heart of Austin, Texas, Wave 2023 is the leading EMS, fire, hospital industry, and government conference. Join us to engage with your peers as we push the boundaries and strategies to improve health and public safety in our communities through the power of data.

This year’s Wave conference once again features a unique two-day ESO Training Academy leading up to the conference. Combined, Wave featuring ESO Training Academy delivers four days of top product training and premier industry thought leadership, data analysis, in-field experience, and networking.

April 11 – 14, 2023
Wave featuring ESO Training Academy
JW Marriott Austin
Austin, Texas
Register now >>

Top 10 Reasons to Attend This Year’s Wave Featuring ESO Training Academy

1) Hear from your industry’s most respected experts.

With 75 speakers, you’ll build a robust agenda tailored to your organization’s goals and objectives – from new data and research to industry-shifting thought leadership.

2) Put your training dollars to work.

Uncover new tactics with hands-on training from ESO experts at Training Academy to better leverage your software and improve outcomes in your community.

3) Learn how to present your data effectively.

Join us for sessions about using and showcasing your data stories to benefit your agency strategies, funding, Community Risk Reduction programs, and more.

4) Explore our transformative technology.

You’ll hear from Chris Dillie, CEO of ESO, about the future of the ESO platform and the company’s next industry-changing initiatives.

5) Get to know your peers.

Come meet your fellow industry professionals and see how they are changing health and safety outcomes in their communities.

6) Shape the future of ESO.

Share your experiences within your roles and community to help us improve the ESO suite of products as you network with fellow users and ESOers.

7) Swap perspectives and approaches.

Engage with fellow ESO users and ESO staff from across all levels of the organization on how they’re using data to transform their organizations and communities.

8) Plan for the future.

Our esteemed speakers and colleagues will come with trends and predictions for the future of emergency response data and research in your industry – such as ESO’s annual Trauma, Fire, and EMS indices, and the latest research from our team.

9) Bring innovative ideas home.

Take home all your newfound knowledge to your team to keep your entire service up to date on the changes in your industry. Implement new best practices – from operations to tracking to employee wellbeing – to really make a difference in your organization in the year to come.

10) Have a little fun.

Don’t worry: We always make time for networking and decompressing after long days. Enjoy entertainment, libations, and curated networking in the live music capital of the world!

More about ESO Training Academy

Tuesday, April 11 – Wednesday, April 12, 2023

ESO Training Academy offers focused training sessions tailored to meet the needs of ESO software users, empowering attendees with practical insights and best practices to be more efficient and effective with their software, reporting, and data.

ESO Training Academy tracks include:

  • Product Empowerment: How to make the most of ESO Product Suite. These hands-on training sessions with expert ESO trainers will show you how to leverage your suite more efficiently in your day-to-day role.
  • ESO Discovery: Meet the ESO products you have yet to discover. Attendees will get the opportunity to learn from product experts, ask questions, and compare their current applications to the ESO suite.
  • Product Roadmap and Feedback: Discover what’s new and coming soon to ESO. Product and industry leaders will be available to answer questions and hear feedback about released capabilities and plans for future product enhancements.
  • Expert Upgrades: Is it time for your agency to upgrade to ESO? This session is for you. New and current ESO customers will learn tips and tricks to transition to the latest product.

More about Wave 2023

Thursday, April 13 – Friday, April 14, 2023

Wave brings the best in thought leadership, research, and in-field experience to improve community health and safety through the power of data. While ESO Training Academy sessions are dedicated to training and best practices solely for the ESO product suite, Wave is dedicated to industry-wide content relevant to EMS, fire, hospital, and state organizations – even if they’re not using any ESO solutions.

Wave 2023 tracks include:

  • Translating Data into Improvement: Discover how industry leaders use actionable performance data to leverage insights, improve outcomes, and better serve their communities.
  • Industry Trends: As the world rapidly changes, response-ready strategies are critical to future success. Prepare for these changes with industry experts who will equip you with knowledge, techniques, and tools for what tomorrow holds.
  • Quality and Research: At ESO, we believe in the power of aggregate data for research and benchmarking. Top researchers will share findings from their latest research and evidence-based practices you can take home to improve community health and safety.
  • New ESO Products: ESO is developing industry-leading technology for public safety and healthcare. Join us as we unveil today’s latest products and features and what the future holds for the ESO Suite.
  • Data Security and IT: A proactive cybersecurity plan and robust infrastructure are pivotal for operational agency plans. Learn how to protect your agency against today’s data security threats while preparing for future challenges.

Wave 2023 Resources


Learn more at esowave.com.