ESO and Handtevy Integration Arms EMS for Pediatric Emergencies

ESO Electronic Health Record (EHR) now delivers seamless integration of pediatric dosing and equipment information directly into the medical record, thanks to a partnership with Handtevy. This first of its kind integration allows joint customers of the two companies to equip field providers with pediatric dosage and equipment information directly via the EHR user interface, giving EMS the ability to deliver critical care quickly and confidently during pediatric emergencies.

In addition to streamlining data across multiple systems, we are now providing real-time verification and documentation that was never available before.

"“This is a groundbreaking advance for our personnel.”— Jeremy Metz Division Chief of EMS West Metro Fire Rescue Lakewood, CO"

“Integrating the Handtevy system into ESO EHR allows EMS responders to focus on the most important thing in a pediatric medical emergency – the patient,” Peter Antevy, MD, founder and Chief Medical Officer of Handtevy, told us. “Eliminating the need to do math on scene combined with the ability to provide rapid care and document in real time has never been accomplished until now.”

All of those benefits make the integration a big hit with our customers. “This is a groundbreaking advance for our personnel,” said Jeremy Metz, Division Chief of EMS at West Metro Fire Rescue in Lakewood, Colorado. “The Handtevy System has already had a tremendous impact on our ability to treat critically ill children on scene with confidence. Now EMS personnel will be able to directly access our Handtevy treatment information through our EHR interface, and easily verify and document in real time across both systems.”

ESO and Handtevy have the shared vision that arming first responders with the right tools not only enhances outcomes, but also alleviates the tremendous anxiety that comes with treating critically ill and injured children.

To see the Handtevy/EHR integration in action, schedule a demo with one of our experts today.