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Mission Possible: Acute Stroke Care

According to the American Heart Association, someone in the US has a stroke about once every 40 seconds. However, as the ESO EMS Index shows, in 2017 only 50.5% of EMS encounters with a primary impression of stroke resulted in a complete and documented assessment by EMS providers.

Listen to Dr. Brent Myers in “Mission Possible: Acute Stroke Care” to learn:

  • Opportunities to improve stroke assessment
  • The impact of recent stroke treatment research on EMS practices and patient outcomes
  • Other performance metrics for EMS agencies

Meet the Speaker

headshot of Brent Myers, MD, President of the National Association of EMS Physicians

Brent Myers, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAEMS is an internationally recognized expert in the area of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), particularly as it relates to systems of care, performance improvement, and population management. He served as co-editor of the 2nd Edition of Emergency Medical Services, Clinical Practice and Systems Overnight, serves on the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed journals, has numerous peer-review publications, and currently serves as President of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP).

Watch the Webinar