Brent Myers
Chief Medical Officer

Brent Myers, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAEMS is an internationally recognized expert in the area of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), particularly as it relates to systems of care, performance improvement, and population management. In his role at ESO, he is responsible for: ensuring ESO software and services optimize patient care and outcomes; fostering a culture of medical rigor and practical application in development of ESO software and services; serving as liaison with industry leaders and influencers on the use of applications, data and best practices to monitor, measure and improve patient outcomes and provider safety; and, applying medical expertise and scientific rigor to support customers through the constantly evolving journey of balancing compliance, security, ease-of-use, and automation in the use of data to meet emergency medical needs. He served as co-editor of the 2nd Edition of Emergency Medical Services, Clinical Practice and Systems Overnight, serves on the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed journals, has numerous peer-review publications, and has provided invited lectures in numerous locations around the world. Most recently, Brent has served as Chief Medical Officer for Evolution Health and Associate Chief Medical Officer for American Medical Response. He currently serves as President of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) and continues national and international work in the areas of EMS and population management.