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Metro West Fire Protection District Case Study

Leveraging Data to Advance Patient Care

Metro West, a five-station fire department with EMS services, sought to turn call data into improved training and better patient care. To do that, they needed quality data that could easily be filtered, analyzed, and made actionable. On a recommendation from a colleague at a nearby agency, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Brad Shelton began researching ESO Electronic Health Record (EHR).

After implementing EHR, Shelton is able to compare Metro West’s performance data to national standards and be a better partner for their local hospital. He and his team have also been able to use the data to reinforce protocols, improve overall performance, and guide individual medic development. “What you end up with is a better patient outcome. And that’s the key thing for me,” says Shelton.

To learn more about Metro West’s results and how they are using data to improve community health and safety, download the full case study today.

Graphic for Metro West Fire Protection District Case Study.
“Since implementing EHR, Metro West's leadership can use their data to reinforce protocols, improve overall performance, and guide individual medic development. “What you end up with is a better patient outcome. And that’s the key thing for me,” says Deputy Chief Medical Officer Brad Shelton.”