How to Create Complete Clinical Records
Improve Joint Commission Compliance and Patient Care
On-Demand Webinar
Your hospital works hard to create complete records of clinical care, not only to achieve Joint Commission compliance, but because it enables better patient care. However, building a complete clinical record that includes prehospital care can often be difficult.
Watch “How to Create Complete Clinical Records” to learn best practices for creating a complete clinical record, supporting Joint Commission compliance, and serving your hospital’s most vulnerable patients. Speakers Dr. Brent Myers and Nicole Hayes cover:
- The full scope for the record of care (RC) standard
- Empowering EMS to help your hospital be Joint Commission compliant
- Benefits for patients and clinical staff
- Tips for reducing manual errors in records
To watch the 40-minute on-demand webinar, complete the form on this page.
About the Speakers
Brent Myers, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAEMS is an internationally recognized expert in the area of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), particularly as it relates to systems of care, performance improvement, and population management. He served as co-editor of the 2nd Edition of Emergency Medical Services, Clinical Practice and Systems Overnight, serves on the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed journals, has numerous peer-review publications, and currently serves as President of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP).
Nicole Hayes is a veteran of healthcare technology and currently serves as the customer insights manager for ESO. Prior to joining ESO, she worked as a consulting advising health and technology companies such as Knowable Research, CentraForce Health and People Pattern. Nicole has a BA from Louisiana State University and an MA from the University of Texas.