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Documenting the Opioid Crisis for Actionable Data

6 Best Practices for First Responders

According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2016 drug overdose death rates increased by 21.5 percent and overdoses killed more than 63,000 Americans. First responders are not only challenged to respond to these calls but to document the critical information needed to track trends and manage response protocols.

cover of Documenting the Opioid Crisis - 6 Best Practices for First Responders white paper

One strategy EMS and other first response agencies can employ to improve data is training on key terms and their usage. This may involve testing the protocol in a classroom setting to ensure field crew understand how to document the necessary information or reviewing local social services options for patients. When everyone is on the same page, you’re more likely to have accurate and consistent documentation.

For five additional best practices, download “Documenting the Opioid Crisis” today.