Category: Best Practices

The Transformative Power of Good Data

posted on Jul 16, 2024 Best Practices

The EMS industry is bombarded with incredible amounts of information on a regular basis in the form of ePCR reports and dispatch data. While having a large, aggregated patient data…

Data Café Insights: Penetrating Trauma and Shock Index

posted on Jul 13, 2024 Best Practices

With access to the world’s largest de-identified medical database, the 2023 ESO Trauma Index looks at data collected from the 596 participating hospitals to establish best practices in important areas….

Data Café Insights: Surgical Repair of Hip Fractures

posted on May 14, 2024 Best Practices

Aggregating data from the nation’s largest de-identified medical database, the 2023 ESO Trauma Index reflects insights from over 968,538 hospital records from 596 hospital systems between January 1st and December 31st, 2022….

Data Café Insights: Antibiotic Use for Long Bone Fractures

posted on Apr 15, 2024 Best Practices

Providing an in-depth analysis of the current trends and benchmarks in trauma care, the 2023 ESO Trauma Index pulls data from the nation’s largest de-identified medical database to establish best…

Data Café Insights: Whole Blood and PRBC Usage

posted on Mar 15, 2024 Best Practices

The 2023 ESO Trauma Index offers a detailed analysis of current trends and benchmarks in trauma care, setting a new standard for improvement and allowing healthcare professionals to get a…

Data Café Insights: 2023 ESO Trauma Index Overview

posted on Mar 07, 2024 Best Practices

The 2023 ESO Trauma Index offers a detailed analysis of current trends and benchmarks in trauma care, setting a new standard for improvement. Accompanied by the ESO Data Café Webinar…

Protecting Your Firefighters’ Physical Health

posted on Jan 31, 2024 Best Practices

January is Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month, a time to shine a spotlight on the critical issue of increased cancer risk among firefighters, along with the importance of effective safety and…

Recognizing and Removing Disparities in Patient Care

posted on Jan 19, 2024 Best Practices

In a perfect world, every patient seeking medical services would be given equal care and treatment regardless of their background. However, in reality, that’s not always the case. Gender, race,…

Protecting Your Department’s Mental Health

posted on Dec 14, 2023 Best Practices

Just as important as EMS clinicians’ and firefighters’ physical health, is the protection of their mental health. According to the Ruderman White Paper on Firefighter mental health and wellness, the…

Keeping an Eye on Lights and Sirens During Transportation

posted on Oct 24, 2023 Best Practices

While lights and sirens have always been synonymous with ambulances, there’s been more and more research highlighting their potential risks outweighing their time-saving benefits. Due to this, the National EMS…

Does your department’s response performance stack up?

posted on Aug 31, 2023 Best Practices

In both fire and EMS services, response time is obviously a crucial part to a successful resolution of an incident. However, it’s just one of a few different factors to…

2022 ESO Trauma Index: Benchmarks and Focus Questions

posted on Nov 28, 2022 Best Practices

Last week, we launched the 2022 ESO Trauma Index – the annual research to facilitate industry conversations, set benchmarks, and compare hospital and trauma systems’ performance with peers. Created from…

Community Risk Reduction: How Data-Driven Is Your Program?

posted on Nov 09, 2022 Best Practices

Time to read: 4 minutes 30 seconds In the last 30 years, the number of reported fire deaths declined by nearly 50%. While the U.S. still averages 3,000 home fire…

5 Tips for an Effective QI Project for Your EMS Agency

posted on Jul 08, 2022 Best Practices

Quality Improvement projects can make a big impact in your EMS agency operations, helping processes run more efficiently, lightening the load on your providers, and even promoting more positive patient…

The Importance of CT Scans in Traumatic Brain Injuries

posted on May 25, 2022 Best Practices

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were approximately 61,000 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-related deaths in the United States in 2019, translating to an average of…

Wearable Health Devices and New Data

posted on May 25, 2022 Best Practices

Wearable health trackers have become a widely accepted technology integrated into many Americans’ lives. No longer just simple step trackers, today’s wearables can track a wide range of health metrics…

Fire Data: Making the Connection from Output to Outcome

posted on Apr 12, 2022 Best Practices

Datapoints and metrics continue to play an important role in the day-to-day function of fire agencies. Outputs are Useful and Important With numerous reporting requirements at national and state levels,…

How to Improve EMS Inventory Management

posted on Mar 14, 2022 Best Practices

For EMS agencies, managing assets can not only improve operational efficiencies and budget use, but can also improve mission readiness and outcomes during incidents. Maintaining a more accurate understanding of…

What to Consider Before Switching to Another Fire RMS

posted on Mar 14, 2022 Best Practices

Whether you’re finally making the move from paper records to digital, or simply want to upgrade your digital record-keeping experience, switching to a new record management system for your fire…

Transitioning from Paper to Electronic Records

posted on Mar 11, 2022 Best Practices

If your fire department or EMS agency is still holding on to the old-school, paper-based ways of tracking incidents, equipment checks, supply levels, and even personnel records, the good news…

The Importance of Tracking Exposure in Firefighting

posted on Mar 11, 2022 Best Practices

Situational awareness is no longer just for the field. It’s a concept that can also be used after incidents and in down times. Having an understanding of your crew’s physical…

How Data Empower First Responders

posted on Mar 11, 2022 Best Practices

In an information-rich age, data are constantly flowing to and from devices, towers, and satellites. While it can seem overwhelming at times, data are a valuable tool in the hands…

Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

posted on Dec 23, 2021 Best Practices

The concept of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, or PTSD, is not a new concept today; most of us associate it with combat veterans or someone who has experienced an extreme negative…

3 Things to Know About ISO Inspections for Fire Departments

posted on Nov 12, 2021 Best Practices

If you’ve been in the fire industry for any substantial length of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard about Insurance Services Office (ISO) Inspections and their associated rankings. ISO’s Public Protection Classification…

5 Ways to Support Firefighter Wellbeing

posted on Oct 28, 2021 Best Practices

The health and wellbeing of emergency responders is in the spotlight now more than ever. Major events like COVID-19, extreme weather, and wildfires are testing the resilience of first responders….

How to Identify (and Win) Fire Department Grants

posted on Oct 12, 2021 Best Practices

Fire departments, especially volunteer fire departments, are constantly faced with the challenge of keeping communities safe while staying within budget. Tightening budgets and limited resources require departments to be more…

How to Write a PCR Narrative That Saves You Time and Money

posted on Sep 23, 2021 Best Practices

Completing patient care reports (PCRs) during your shift can seem like a tedious task, but it is essential to the operations of an EMS agency. A thorough and accurate PCR…

Computer Automated & Aided Dispatch

posted on Sep 15, 2021 Best Practices

In an increasingly connected world, technology is making response for prehospital care faster and more efficient than ever. Today’s computer-aided dispatch (CAD) technologies offer greater situational awareness, smarter use of…

STEMI and EMS: Improving FMC2D Times

posted on Aug 30, 2021 Best Practices

Many health emergencies require fast medical intervention, but certain incidents are particularly affected by the rate of response. ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a health crisis for which survival rates…

HIPAA Compliance and Telehealth

posted on Aug 25, 2021 Best Practices

In this digital age, keeping personal identification information secure is a priority. Entire industries have been created that focus solely on helping people protect their digital footprint with robust passwords,…

The Benefits of Continuing Your EMT Education Online

posted on Aug 19, 2021 Best Practices

One of the noticeable changes coming out of the global COVID-19 pandemic has been an increased opportunity for employees to work from home, and more virtual resources available for a…

What is High-Performance CPR and Why Is It Important?

posted on Aug 19, 2021 Best Practices

In its recent annual report, the American Heart Association (AHA) noted that out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) continues to be a common and deadly problem in the U.S. Of the more…

What to Include on a Patient Care Report (ePCR)

posted on Aug 16, 2021 Best Practices

Accurate patient data is arguably the most valuable tool a medic has at his or her disposal. It not only informs immediate treatment decisions, but it shows what is –…

The Importance of STEMI Door-to-Balloon Time

posted on Aug 05, 2021 Best Practices

Hospitals and EMS agencies alike have long associated the rate of positive outcomes for certain patients with the rate at which he or she received treatment. And while some of…

5 Key Insights into Delivering Healthcare During COVID-19

posted on Aug 04, 2021 Best Practices

The world is experiencing another surge in COVID-19 cases, with the highly contagious Delta variant becoming the dominant strain in the U.S. Healthcare providers can prepare for this new surge…

Stages of Shock: What You Need to Know As An EMT

posted on Jul 12, 2021 Best Practices

Shock is a common and life-threatening medical emergency that many EMTs encounter during their careers; estimates suggest more than 1.2 million ED visits a year are for patients in shock….

7 Steps to Start Your Firefighting Career

posted on Jun 30, 2021 Best Practices

A career in firefighting can be very rewarding, and it become a lifelong calling for those wanting to serve their communities. However, starting a fire career can be a challenging…

Developing a Community Paramedic Program

posted on Jun 30, 2021 Best Practices

For millions of Americans, a trip the ED may be one of the only ways to receive medical care, whether their condition is truly an “emergency” or not. Populations like…

What You Need To Know: 2021 National Patient Safety Goals

posted on Jun 01, 2021 Best Practices

The Joint Commission recently released its National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) for 2021, listing seven focus areas it recommends for health care professionals to improve patient safety. Established in 2002…

EMS Health Data Analytics: How to Improve Analysis

posted on Apr 29, 2021 Best Practices

Quality data plays a key role in health care, and drives every decision that a provider makes to improve health outcomes for his or her patient. In the field of…

New 2021 ESO EMS Index Tracks Nationwide EMS Performance

posted on Apr 01, 2021 Best Practices

In one of the strangest and most disruptive years in recent American memory, EMS professionals continued to suit up every day and face the COVID-19 pandemic head on. And just…

Top Software Tools for Volunteer Fire Departments

posted on Mar 20, 2021 Best Practices

Volunteer firefighters are key to keeping communities in the United States safe; in fact, volunteers make up 67% of firefighters in the country. Volunteer firefighters are particularly vital for small,…

5 Can’t-Miss Items to Document in a Fire Preplan

posted on Mar 09, 2021 Best Practices

You can’t beat situational awareness when responding to a fire incident, and a key way to increase your knowledge of the involved property is by utilizing a fire preplan. The…

Best Grant Resources for Fire Departments

posted on Feb 12, 2021 Best Practices

With budget cuts becoming more common, fire departments are looking for ways to infuse new dollars into their operations to improve training, recruit new crewmembers, obtain new equipment, conduct CRR…

What is Mobile Integrated Health?

posted on Feb 10, 2021 Best Practices

Healthcare payers looking to drive down medical care costs in the U.S. have increasingly begun partnering with EMS agencies and other providers to ensure that patients receive the proper treatment…

What to Look for in NFIRS Reporting Software

posted on Feb 02, 2021 Best Practices

Since the 1970s, the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) has been actively working towards its two main objectives: to 1) help state, local, tribal, and U.S. territory governments develop…

3 Benefits of Prehospital Alerting Software for ED Teams

posted on Jan 29, 2021 Best Practices

In the fast-paced and stressful workflow of an Emergency Department, accurate communication is a valuable commodity. A failure in communication between health care professionals can have results ranging from mild…

How ePCRs Improve Communication, Care, and EMS Operations

posted on Jan 12, 2021 Best Practices

Modern health care is an information-rich endeavor. Along the entire spectrum of care – from prehospital all the way to discharge and follow-up – patient data is critical in helping…

New Year, New You: How to Avoid Burnout in the EMS Field

posted on Jan 06, 2021 Best Practices

The role of emergency medical professionals has always been a quick, effective response in high-pressure settings. Being able to perform in stressful situations is a staple characteristic for EMTs and…

Hospital Core Measures Defined

posted on Dec 31, 2020 Best Practices

In an increasingly competitive industry, hospitals can use performance data to stay in compliance with The Joint Commission (TJC) and expedite reimbursements from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)…

Benefits of Cloud-Based EMS

posted on Dec 31, 2020 Best Practices

As communication methods for first responders and prehospital health care professionals continue to modernize – and sharing data digitally becomes more critical than ever – many EMS agencies are taking…

5 Features You Need in Fire Inspections Software

posted on Dec 31, 2020 Best Practices

A large portion of a fire department’s service to its community is fire inspection. From new construction to regular checks on existing properties, fire professionals’ time making buildings safer pays…

5 Reasons NFIRS Data Matters to Your Fire Department

posted on Dec 23, 2020 Best Practices

It’s a regular part of the business for fire departments these days: collecting and submitting data to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) regularly. And while NFIRS has its own top 3…

Fire Asset Management Explained

posted on Dec 18, 2020 Best Practices

Firefighting technology continues to evolve rapidly, with advancements in vehicles, apparatus, SCBA, and other gear making the work “smarter” and more efficient every year. This new technology undoubtedly creates a…

5 Benefits: Integrating Payroll with EMS Scheduling Tools

posted on Dec 18, 2020 Best Practices

Many commercial companies easily use boxed resource management software such as ADP, Workday, and Paychex for their payroll and scheduling needs. However, EMS agencies need a more customized solution. With…

EMS Data Collection: Tips for Improving Data Quality

posted on Dec 17, 2020 Best Practices

Just like any business or industry, EMS agencies benefit from regular assessments, QI/QA projects and accurate reporting that allows benchmarking and easily shared metrics. However, the ability to trust these…

Scheduling Tools Solve Unique Challenges in the Firehouse

posted on Dec 10, 2020 Best Practices

A firefighter knows going into his or her career that shift work in the fire industry is anything but typical. Long and varied hours, time away from home, and emergency…

Radio vs. Alerting Software for Hospitals

posted on Dec 02, 2020 Best Practices

A busy, bustling hospital is not a quiet place. Physicians, nurses, and EMTs alike deal with a significant amount of noise on a daily basis. In fact, a recent study…

2020’s Best ePCR Software: How ESO EHR Revolutionizes ePCRs

posted on Nov 30, 2020 Best Practices

Digital information is the key to modern life; with the pervasive nature of smart phones and device, the Cloud, and city-wide wireless networks, information is at our finger tips, 24…

What is a Trauma Registry?

posted on Nov 20, 2020 Best Practices

For hospitals around the world, data and databases are the keys to improving processes, improving patient outcomes, and better understanding one’s community. While medical professionals have reviewed and analyzed trends…

What is a Fire Preplan?

posted on Nov 11, 2020 Best Practices

Firefighters are accustomed to making their best assessment of a structure when they arrive at a fire incident. They base their response tactics and expectations on generalized construction concepts, community…

3 Data Points You Need in Your Emergency Department

posted on Oct 23, 2020 Best Practices

Emergency Departments are often a place of controlled chaos; alarms ringing, people rushing, ambulance crews arriving and leaving. The most serious patients need immediate attention and face life-threatening circumstances where…

Components of CRR: The 5 E’s of Community Risk Reduction

posted on Oct 12, 2020 Best Practices

A fire department knows its community probably more intimately than almost any other organization out there. From going inside people’s homes on medical calls, to inspecting new construction, to driving…

What are Sentinel Events? (And How to Reduce Them)

posted on Oct 06, 2020 Best Practices

Note: This blog was updated in July 2022 with more current data on number and types of sentinel events. Even in the top-functioning, best-maintained hospital facilities, medical errors can happen….

4 Tips for Better Relationships with Your EMS Partners

posted on Oct 02, 2020 Best Practices

Data from EMS providers can be vital to your hospital system and should not get overlooked. Not only is it required for your pre-hospital data submissions, but it also helps…

7 Scheduling Must-Haves for EMS & Fire Departments

posted on Sep 30, 2020 Best Practices

One of the unique – and often challenging – elements of running an EMS agency or fire department is the complexity of scheduling requirements. Whether you’re deciding which staff members…

5 Mistakes to Avoid when Buying a New Fire RMS

posted on Sep 16, 2020 Best Practices

For fire departments looking to improve efficiencies and get more use out of their own data, a digital fire records management system (RMS) can make getting insight into operations easier…

How Can Trauma Registries Leverage EMS Data?

posted on Sep 12, 2020 Best Practices

Hospitals and trauma registrars are well-aquatinted with state and regional requirements that require the inclusion of EMS data into trauma registries. However, the collection and representation of this data can…

3 Ways to Improve Patient Hand-Off

posted on Sep 11, 2020 Best Practices

The alarms are going off. The ED is full of chatter and noise. You’re trying to get your patient to the right room, and you only have a moment to…

Spreadsheet vs. Software: What’s Best for Asset Management?

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

If you’ve spent any significant amount of time working in a fire department, you’re well-familiar with an important (but sometimes tedious) job of asset management. Hours spent meticulously doing checks…

Using the ESO EMS Index to Put Data into Practice

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

If you’ve ever wondered how your agency compares to its peers – or about trends in the EMS industry as a whole – the ESO EMS Index gives you answers….

How Analytics Help EMS Agencies Make Better Decisions

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

Whether your EMS agency is working to develop your next QI project or need a quick overview of all the agencies in your system, real-world data is key in making…

How to Share Your EMS & Fire Story with Data

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

Large-scale change and legislation are important in driving improvements in the fire and EMS industry. However, a key component of making change happen is in the ability of fire departments…

Identifying EMS Data Trends to Improve Patient Safety

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

From an industry-level view, down to your own agency datapoints, the ability to use real-world EMS data to make improvements in your agency is invaluable. Learn how data collected in…

Improving EMS & Fire Department Employment Retention

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

Emergency response jobs are some of the most demanding in the world. Responders often risk their own personal safety and health on a daily basis, while working long shifts that…

How Software Helps Firefighters & EMS Work Smarter Together

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

Better communication between healthcare providers and first responders along the spectrum of care – both prehospital and hospital– can have real benefits for patients, communities, and agencies. Learn how ePCR,…

Dream Team: Who Should Help Select Your Next ePCR?

posted on Sep 04, 2020 Best Practices

Purchasing a new electronic patient care record (ePCR) tool can be an investment for your agency on many levels. Besides the initial cost of purchase and training, you’ll use this…

5 Signs You Need a New ePCR

posted on Sep 01, 2020 Best Practices

Since the migration to electronic patient care records (ePCRs) in the late 2010s, software has become an increasingly important part of the daily experience for a medic. We all use…

Creating Quality Improvement in Your EMS Agency

posted on Aug 31, 2020 Best Practices

Having access to high-quality data is imperative to creating effective quality improvement projects. See how ESO tools simplify your data gathering and allow you to focus on the changes you…

5 Tips for Planning Your Fire Department’s Budget

posted on Aug 28, 2020 Best Practices

Fire departments across the country are feeling the squeeze of tighter budgets and making do with less. Sometimes pitching your budgetary needs can feel like going into battle, but it…

3 Time-Saving Tips for Trauma Registrars

posted on Aug 26, 2020 Best Practices

A trauma registrar’s job is full of data points, attention to detail, and – unfortunately – hours often spent making follow up emails and calls to track down missing information….

What is the Cost of a Fire RMS?

posted on Aug 24, 2020 Best Practices

More and more fire departments are today moving towards using automated, fire-specific record management systems (RMS) to maintain operations data for their stations. From employee HR records and scheduling to…

Amplify Your CRR Efforts in 3 Steps

posted on Aug 21, 2020 Best Practices

An effective community risk reduction (CRR) program can be a powerful tool for a fire department looking to improve the overall safety of its community. Whether you are installing fire…

How EMS Employee Scheduling Software Saves You Time

posted on Aug 19, 2020 Best Practices

Time is a precious commodity in the world of first response and prehosptial care. Whether it’s more time to rest after a long shift or get more work done on…

Can Hospitals Share COVID-19 Data with EMS? Yes!

posted on Aug 07, 2020 Best Practices

As healthcare professionals and administrators continue to adapt to working in COVID-era conditions – caring for patients while also taking extra steps to keep their providers safe – many hospitals…

3 Time-Saving Tricks in ESO EHR

posted on Aug 05, 2020 Best Practices

Creating digital patient care reports – or electronic patient care records (ePCRs) – in the prehospital setting is an important part of documenting treatments, collecting the right data needed to…

Starting a Community Outreach Program in Fire & EMS

posted on Aug 04, 2020 Best Practices

Every year, EMS and fire departments host a variety of outreach efforts, also known as community risk reduction (CRR) programs, to improve their communities’ health and safety proactively. From school…

Unlock Your Fire Data Story

posted on Jul 29, 2020 Best Practices

Fire departments are increasingly being asked to share data that offers greater insight into what they do on a daily basis, as well as the value they bring to their…

4 Specialty Patient Forms You Need in Your ePCR

posted on Jul 27, 2020 Best Practices

If your EMS agency is using an electronic patient care record (ePCR) tool, you don’t want to miss out on the benefits you can gain from specialized forms. Today’s top…

5 Features You Need in a Fire RMS

posted on Jul 23, 2020 Best Practices

Transcript: Hello, my name is Bill Gardner. I’m a retired fire chief with 35 years experience in public safety — both fire and EMS. One of the most important things…

Why You Need Cloud-based Software

posted on Jul 23, 2020 Best Practices

   Transcript: Hello, my name is Bill Gardner. I’m a retired fire chief with 35 years experience in public safety, both fire and EMS. One of the most difficult…

Why You Need an ePCR Integration

posted on Jul 23, 2020 Best Practices

Transcript: Hello, my name is Bill Gardner. I’m a retired fire chief with 35 years in public safety, both fire and EMS. The Fire Service of today has taken on…

Fax vs. Scan: What’s Right for Your Emergency Department?

posted on Jul 21, 2020 Best Practices

You can check your email on your phone, see who is at your front door from your work, and monitor your city’s traffic in real time via satellite imagery. But…

Why Hospitals Need EMS Data During COVID-19

posted on Jul 16, 2020 Best Practices

While some hospitals across the nation are slowly recovering from the massive first wave of COVID-19 cases – and others are gearing up to battle the growing second wave –…

3 Must-Have ePCR Integrations

posted on Jul 14, 2020 Best Practices

Digital patient records – also known as electronic patient care records or ePCRs – offer countless benefits in prehospital care. From built-in analytics, easier-to-complete forms, and less paperwork post-call, ePCR…

Fire RMS Basics: Software That Benefits Fire Departments

posted on Jul 07, 2020 Best Practices

Today’s fire departments are increasingly facing the blessing and the curse of large amounts of data. From incident reports and inspections to personnel information and electronic patient care records (ePCRs),…

Webinar: How to Select Your New ePCR

posted on Jun 18, 2020 Best Practices

As department’s needs change, compliance requirements evolve, and technologies mature, EMS leaders have a responsibility to ensure their patient record solution is up to snuff. Whether making the big leap…

4 Types of Data Every Fire Department Should Be Collecting

posted on Jun 02, 2020 Best Practices

Today’s fire industry continues to evolve to better incorporate a wide range of data available from both incident response and department operations. Going beyond the reactive mode of simply responding…

Better Care & Easier Reporting with EMS & Fire Software

posted on May 27, 2020 Best Practices

Gone are the days of recording patient feedback with paper and pencil, and spending hours compiling reports from different systems. Integrated software – designed to address the numerous inputs from…

Improving Patient Outcomes with Hospital/EMS Collaboration

posted on May 26, 2020 Best Practices

Sharing patient information along the continuum of care not only improves patient care and operational efficiencies, but it also allows learning opportunities for all providers. Having access to a complete…