Category: Interoperability

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Communication in Healthcare

posted on Jun 30, 2021 Industry Insights

As providers and payers continue to look for ways to drive down the cost of health care, more and more focus turns to telehealth and telemedicine – basically, the use…

7 Things You Should Know About Exchanging Data with EMS

posted on Mar 20, 2021 Data & Analytics

You may have heard of data exchanges between EMS and hospitals, but do you know how they work or exactly how they can benefit your hospital ED team? Sharing data…

How Software Helps Firefighters & EMS Work Smarter Together

posted on Sep 10, 2020 Best Practices

Better communication between healthcare providers and first responders along the spectrum of care – both prehospital and hospital– can have real benefits for patients, communities, and agencies. Learn how ePCR,…

Why Hospitals Need EMS Data During COVID-19

posted on Jul 16, 2020 Best Practices

While some hospitals across the nation are slowly recovering from the massive first wave of COVID-19 cases – and others are gearing up to battle the growing second wave –…

Better Patient Care with ESO Alerting & HDE

posted on May 26, 2020 Data & Analytics

Reduce barriers of communication between prehospital and hospital care with tools that deliver valuable patient data in real time, from the scene. Seamless and bidirectional sharing of patient information not…

The Value of an Integrated Fire RMS

posted on May 26, 2020 Best Practices

From tracking patient care to being aware of what your own team members are experiencing out in the field, clinical-quality data that is easily accessible not only improves your operations…

Closing the Feedback Loop from Hospital to EMS

posted on Nov 13, 2018 Best Practices

In emergency response, EMTs have traditionally focused on the immediate impression and care of a patient, rapid transport to the appropriate facility, and, finally, a successful hand off to an…

The Barriers and Benefits of Telehealth Technologies

posted on Nov 05, 2018 Best Practices

It’s not uncommon for people today to conduct a wide range of daily tasks and business remotely. From online banking, to grocery shopping, to airline reservations, and even registering your…

Webinar: Creating Complete Clinical Records

posted on Oct 25, 2018 Best Practices

  Why Does It Matter? The Joint Commission requires hospitals to keep the “record of care, treatment and services”, which includes the complete clinical record. And of course, the complete…

Better Communication EMS-ED for Better Patient Care

posted on Oct 22, 2018 Best Practices

Emergency departments are complex institutions with multiple working parts. Everyone within the department has a unique and vital role to play in ensuring patients receive appropriate care. One of the…

When Hospitals and EMS Share Data

posted on Sep 14, 2018 Interoperability

Recently, the Journal of EMS (JEMS) featured ESO Health Data Exchange customer St. Elizabeth Healthcare for their collaborative data sharing with EMS. In short, the St. Elizabeth team realized they…

5 Ways Data Improves the Patient Experience

posted on Jul 03, 2018 Best Practices

Data is available in an over-abundance in health care settings, and a patient’s experience is becoming more and more digitized. The key, however, is knowing how to process and use…

Case Study: Improved Data Flow Between Hospitals and EMS

posted on May 29, 2018 Best Practices

The largest hospital systems in the nation coordinate numerous treatment facilities, process thousands of transports, work with dozens of EMS agencies, and treat thousands of patients. And while the health…

Big Data, Smart Data and Fire

posted on Apr 23, 2018 Data & Analytics

Earlier this year, we predicted trends that were going to have an impact on firefighters and fire departments around the country. One of them was about the use of data….

Improving Hospital Workflows through Health Data Exchange

posted on Apr 06, 2018 Data & Analytics

Since the HITECH Act of 2009, hospital administrators have been challenged to incorporate impactful analytics into their hospital systems to drive population health outcomes, improve operational efficiencies and prevent unnecessary…

Data Integration – Why EMS is a Great Partner for Hospitals

posted on Apr 03, 2018 Industry Insights

There are fewer faster or dramatic ways to change the relationship between EMS and hospitals than with the vendor-agnostic, bidirectional data exchange that comes with ESO Health Data Exchange (HDE)….

Improving EMS & Hospital Communications

posted on Apr 02, 2018 Data & Analytics

Hospitals and EMS agencies looking to improve communication and information exchange during emergency response and throughout the entire continuum of care have found that using both EMS mobile apps, such…

7 Secrets of Smart ePCR Buyers

posted on Sep 12, 2017 Interoperability

Choosing the right ePCR or EMS electronic health record (EHR) for your service can be daunting. This free downloadable ePCR Buying Guide helps you master the process.